Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Meltdown in M-town...

Who here has ever sat and listened to so many podcasts, news articles about soigneirs claiming they know how to inject EPO and looked at so many random blog posts and you tube videos that you finally realize you HATE where you are and that all you really want to do is punch a baby. Thats right. PUNCH one becuase there really is nothing better to do.

Tomorrow marks my first day back on the bike this week becuase i "earned" a rest week which really means I was SLOW becuase of Nashvilles slaughterfest two weeks ago. Yeah. that's earning it alright. Maybe a tinge spiteful. Maybe a little BORED to the point of meltdown.

Is this UCI legal?

It would motivate me too.....!?!? New "style" of doping. Maybe it's more direct?

How my mind functions without a bike, common friends, racing, or no bake cookies, I mean....nevermind, you wouldnt understand

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