Sunday, June 17, 2007

Chattanooga choo choo!

Chattanooga... what a city. So im here in Panera in the Chatt (not to be mistaken for the shatt) enjoying a nice Passion Fruit begal with cream cheese, a fruit cup, and three or four cups of coffee (I lost count). I'm hoping to put in a good week of training here to set me up for a good run at Nationals and Tour de Toona.

We got here a little early yesterday to find out that Chattanooga has a few things going for it.
1. Cool Coffee Shops
2. Friendly locals and safe downtown to ride
3. River Festivals
4. Cute girls
5. Beautiful Girls
6. Stunning girls
---enough said---

SO after an hour out and about showing off the spandex and shaved legs we wondered down to riverfest and found a sweet dinner of blackened salmon and well, more chattanoogan "scenery" of mountains and again stunning girls (one of which just walked by with a cheese danish **ahhh**). After an hour or so of meandering through countyr music and southern hospitality we hoofed it back the 2 or 30 some blocks to the Chattanooga Choo Choo Holiday in where the security seems to not like us much and has scolded us twice for riding on the premesis the whopping hundred some feet to our actual building. Baaaaad guys in spandex! Bad.

So now Justin, Allen and I are setting up shop until checkin at Lookout mountain for the week. I'm excited but at the same time bummed that I can't be back at Ohio for Tour of Ohio or in Missouri for Nature Valley. Oh well. This will be good for me. After this week it's back for state TT champs, then some really cool crits in Grandview and an always fun crit in Hyde Park in the natty before the slaughter of Nationals in seven springs! Good luck Gamm and everyone back home at TOH, im sure you will not dissapoint on the bike or off afterwards! I can't believe im leaving this southern haven of beauty for a week with guys and bikes... somtimes we have to sacrifice!


The guys and I downtown Chattanooga!

More cruisin on the town!

Hopefully there will be wireless where we are staying for the week but if not then wish us luck. These mountains be big. Sorry for such a boring post. Being tired kinda takes it out of me. Wait! Not having coffee in me takes it out of me... and imagine that. My coffee is right here. I'm good to go!

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