Saturday, May 19, 2007

Pretty.... (random!)

Today marks the start of the 2007 crit season for me and my team and im a bit mixed on my feelings. Although I absolutely love crits (nothing like going 25-30 mph for an hour on a pan flat course lots of times!) I am feeling a little indifferent. I'm not actually very good at crits and I find it hard to justify driving two hours to race for one and drive back 2 hours. Especially when it's put on by people who really dont pay out all that much. Anyway, I'll do it, whatever. It's better than not racing I suppose.

Aside from that, Tomorrow I will be heading to chipawa creek to do the hilly, yet supposedly fun race up there. I'm not driving so WHO CARES! I got nothing better to do! I am excited to post some pictures today. I finally got my tubies in and mounted so I took some "real" pictures of the bike. style:

Isn't she pretty?

Conservative with the allow classic bars and 4 axis stem from Ritchey


Lot's-o-carbon. The classic bends look nice atop a beefy and decorative headtube and 58 mm deep American Classic Rims!

FSA K-Force keeps the beefy and carbon theme running strong!

Artsy... ahhh yeah!

Foaming Rant:In case we didn't already find ourselves wondering what the hell some pro's (seeming like MOST = SOME) are thinking or doing to the sport of cycling today let's give it up to Floyd Landis to not only (not) inject himself with testosterone, something that would benefit him none, unless he was hoping to persue a career in track cycling after his tour de france victory, but lets give him credit in surrounding himself with such intelligent and responsible people. It seems his now (ex-) manager thought it would be a good idea to call up Mr. Greg LeMond, who we all know can handle criticism and sexually harrass the man who has a bad family history of sexual harrassment. Way to go mr. Geoghegan, way to go. As if riders were already making the sport entertaining enough, now we have spectators involved making it that much more entertaining! awsome. Check out the article here along with some other fun doping stories. Maybe if it keeps up we can see a podium of guys who are all excluded and my boy Kloden and Frank Schlek can be up there.... I'M CROSSING MY FINGERS HERE.

Anywho, off to pack and run to the bike shop and get my skewer back since they failed to do so yesterday when they changed my cassette! Wish me luck for today and tomorrow!

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