Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I can see the end...

So as the cyclocross season slowly comes to an end for me, with Nationals less than a month away, I'm still a little unsure if I will even be going after all. Thats right. Imagine that you have to register for a race MONTHS in advance and something might come up that makes things not work. WOW, life actually happens randomly. Whatever. No need to complain.

It's Time to Have Fun
So I came back from sundays HORRIBLY HARD state championship cross race to the funniest situation I have ever had. First I must explain the situation that was the drive home. I scurried away from the race in hope of getting back quickly for cookie night. That didnt happen. After waiting fifteen stinking minutes for a stupid sandwhich at Panera and a coffee to get rid of the hand numbness usually associated with cross racing I was kindly chatting with a lovely young lady from school when I look in the mirror. What are two things you dont want to see in the rain? Lights.... one red, and one blue. No speeding involved I assure you. Regardless I am greated by what seemed to be a female police officer. If only you could have been there! In case you didnt know what happens to people who get pulled over suspected of drunk driving, this is how it goes.
Police: Can I see liscense and registration sir...
Me: yeah!
Police: Were you aware of crossing over your lane back there sir?
Me: Did I really. No... It is raining....
Police: Sir going to have to ask you to step out of the vehicle
Me: REALLY... but it's raining
Police: **Insert angry face from behind fat cheeks**
Me: Alright alright...
Police: Sir can you repeat your alphabet backwards for me
Me: haha NO.
Police: ** insert second angry face here **
Me: OK... Z, W, X, Y. Crap, wait, let me start over.
Police: No thats alright. let me have you close your eyes and touch your nose.
Me: Dangit, I suck at this too.
Police: O.k. Sire, im going to have to ask you to wait here.
Me: ok.... (STILL RAINING!)
Police: Sir can I have you blow in this...
Police: Hmmmm, can you blow again.
Police: Well sir, im sorry for the inconvenience. Just trying to make sure everyone is being safe over the holidays. You can never be to careful you know. Have a nice day.

Yep. thats how it goes when you get pulled over suspected of drinking and driving. Anyways, Saturday is the Dave Hutton shindig going away shabang p/b Seth Buckwalter and Alex Kerman. I'm pretty sure there have been nearly 200 invites so... Im scared.

As for the racing. Everything was alright. I had a horrible start and soon found out how good I am at track standing on off camber 180's... needless to say, I was less than stellar. I turned in a 7th or 10th place so I was rather happy. I felt like a dog had pooped sand in my lungs all day so that wasn't very pleasant, but still it was a rather impressive course and one of the more fun ones I have done this season.

As for everything else in life... some wrenches have been thrown in the mix, but nothing I can't handle. Only STUPIDLY attractive girls from Jersey, People backing out of taking my lease, and finding out that even though there is carpet are the stairs, you are not clear of slipping and doing rather unpleasant things to your talebone. Long story, dont ask. For now I'm still hating the cold Ohio weather, wind, and endless supply of absolutely nothing to do but study, eat, ride my bike, and cuddle. Wait. Forget the last one. Two weeks and im off to Greenville, no wait, three weeks, no wait one week, nooooo two weeks. Yeah, I'm not sure when our first team camp actually is, but either way, it's coming up soon. For now, I just have to prepare mentally for Saturday nights FIESTA and get it some super secret get fast workouts hoping I can race at nats. Heck if not, Ill look like a beast at camp! Either way, none of this really matters, and no one really cares. Im going to watch intervention. If you haven't seen it you should. It's a show that makes your life look VERY normal, regardless of what you do. REALLY. I have it TVo'd so stop by. You WILL BE AMAZED! Until next time, sorry for the long post. Sincerely Dave.

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