Monday, November 5, 2007

The sand lepricon...

Saturday--COLLEGIATE CROSS #1 Lindsey Wilson
So remind me again why I do what I do. Saturday morning I found myself rolling out of bed at the lovely hour of 4:50 am. Thats right. The time most people in my tiny little fishbowl college town are finally nestling into bed, well buzzed from the nights prior drinking and debauchery.... But not I. I have places to be and people to do. Err, you know what I mean.
Anyway, I rolled out of bed and had my normal race morning breakfast of a mound of egg whites, oatmeal, and a granola to go. Just before jumping on the highway I made my green lady stop at starbucks, this time opting for a venti, and heading out on my adventure south. I hit Lexington just in time to see the sun come up for my second cup of coffee for the day. The last I would see before I reached the race. I rolled into Lindsey Wilson... the smallest and loneliest school I have ever laid eyes on to realize not only were they a time zone behind my Ohio abode, but that I could have slept an extra two hours because the race had been moved back an hour. Either way. It made me want to punch a small kitten in the face, or cry myself to sleep. It was terrible. After my suicidal depressive meltdown I chilled out, got the bike ready and got a chance to pre-ride the course a lot. Awsome cool weather made me feel like it was actually cross season and the course was alright. It was nothing special, but nothing disapointing. With two sandpits, uphill barrier, some offcambers, and another barrier as well as a concrete runup it was nothing short of enough fun for me. I managed to hit the sand second wheel and away we went. I forced the first move of the day and drove it until we hit the second barrier then WHAP... freaking barrier monkey decided he wanted to lay the smackdown. After shaking off the cobwebs, dirt, and frustration that comes with your first time back on your cross bike in two weeks, I drilled it and chased back onto the front group no problem. From there it was clear sailing until about 45 minutes in. My lower back has been bugging me, and the lack of pressure my body has had on it resting the past few weeks didn't like the beating it was taking today. Finally I cracked and soloed in for third on the day. Overall I was happy regardless of crashing on each obstacle. Thats right, sand, barriers, and runup (Dont wear toe spikes when running up concrete steps!) Nothing like driving almost 4 hours, with no phone reception to race for 55 minutes, no money, and drive 4 hours back. What can I say, I'm a rockstar! I even have my own van (courtesy of Miami University Motor Pool)

Sunday--- OVCX Gun Club Cross
After another nearly four hour drive back home I found myself up bright and early getting some homework done... since I guess school is rather important and having an exam on Monday it seemed logical. Gammers and I headed down to Loveland to throw down on the OVCX series... the only thing I ended up throwing down was a front row callup that I ruined the first time through the sandpit. Suprisingly at the start my legs felt pretty good and I got a clean clip in. The pace was fast and I found that there had already been a split in the field. Going into the pit all hell broke loose and I found myself head deep in sand. On my face. On my hands. Between my buttcheacks... it was everywhere. I managed to collect myself and realized that I had gone from nearly top 5 to dead last and the chace was on. Slowly I worked my way back up through the mountainbike course turned cross course to finish alright. The wreck coupled with the burped tube midway through the race and I had enough to complain about on the way home... In the end, I finished 12th or 13th. A result many would be happy with but one I was disgusted with. I will say one thing though. Cross here in Ohio is going to be missed. I have noticed that cross in the south isn't quite what it is in the midwest and I'm positive I will be making it back up for some races next year from Greenville thats for sure. The group of guys I have come to know, and learn from will forever be the best people I know. What a group. What a sport. What a freaking trainwreck. Here are some pics but I'm sure Ill be able to pop some more up. Word is there was some video footage of the sandpit playtime I got into on lap one. Supposedly it looked like an orgy of spandex guys mauling each other and looking like complete idiots. Although I like to say I did not cause such a problem, I will admit, it was not my fault. Had it not been for the silly little sand lepricon i hit, everything would have been o.k. If you know where he ran off to tell him to meet me at the bigtoy at recess... It's ON! Anyway, once I get some footage of the fall, or what I call a stylish crascendo of french ballet mastery or for better words uncontrolled plummet of death, I assure you, entertainment will commence. Don't worry, don't worry, I am able to autograph anything for a price! Enjoy the pictures I do have courtesy of kwellshamilton

Two Johns Podcast was there announcing. Well done!

The start... all business on this end! Nieport has the poopy face! Rad!

Gammers rippin the sand on the way to his first win this season! Hella good ride man!

Me on the chase back after the sand lepricon attack!

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