Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sand, tree, and 6 a.m.

My leg hurts. Well, actually, it doesn't hurt now, but it did. It hurt bad, and had a Ritchey WCS stem bolt patter nicely molded into my knee cap. Yeah. It hurt. Just a few words of advice here for racing successfully, none of which I did.
1. Eat well the night before... (ok I did this I lied)
2. DO NOT have a cute little girl from class come over and watch TV... until 2 a.m.
3. DO NOT wake up a 6 a.m. and expect to not fall asleep or to race anywhere near your potential at a cross race 3 hours away.
4. DO NOT drink too much gatorade before a race with a bathroom such as the one at the race venue... guuuuu

But in all seriousness, Gamm and I headed out to Purdue this last weekend for a two-race-in-one day. Not a good idea considering the most roady friendly course all year was set for sunday and the OVCX but what the hey! The collegiate field was decent,and a bit cold. I rolled in a spot behind Mijn kleine vriend for 5th or 6th. we managed to waste some time after the race getting the circulation flowing in the sweet pimp Miami van as we meandered campus for a CVS, some chocolate milk, and IcyHot... we failed and had to resort to simply going in the local chipotle for a momentary relief, potty break, and stretch then it was back to the race start to do a cooldown/warmup for the elite race. Lining up was most likely the WORST idea i have ever had. About 5 minutes into th elite race my legs went zit and popped and I soon found myself struggling to hold the wheels in about 11th place. I started feeling better and dieseled my way into good position somewhere in the top 5. I was riding faster technically than I ever had before so I was highly excited. Then it happened. About 45 minutes into the race I thought it would be a great Idea to take myself out of the race in normal Dave Hutton style. You see. Whoever thought this course up (Thanks Derrick) decided, "oh hey, there sand by all these really rooty trees... lets make everyone do 180's in them, it'll be sweet." and i must admit, for the first 35-45 minutes, it was fun. Turning through a deep section of sand my shoe popped loose as I was accelerating out of a turn and BOOOOOM! No knee for you. I cursed once.... actually MANY times, and proceeded to watch person after person that I had so easily blown by in the first half of the race pull right by. Dicks! I made it about a quarter of a lap and finally I couldnt put pressure to the pedal at all. Great. In the end, I walked myself out of a money spot $17 poorer, with a WCS tattoo on my kneecap, skipping lunch/dinner so I could get home sleep, think about how I wasn't going to race the following day, and kiss goodbye to the series overall top three I wanted. Way to go DAVO!

one of the coolest race photos I've seen so far!

Real Life
For those of you who know me, I don't get serious all too often, but I suppose now I am going to. As everyone has known, I am about three weeks from moving to Greenville and starting and entirely new chapter of my life. Regardless of what I may say, I am scaaaaared beyond belief. But, what I must say is that I love this feeling. Although I'm scared, I am more than prepared to get everything rolling. Above all I wanted to thank everyone who has helped me along as far as they have in life the way they have. Everyone at Team Dayton, if it weren't for you guys I never would have started racing, found what a good group of people who play cornhole and drink beer at team get togethers, or just been able to have fun. Thanks. Everyone at PV Racing. Thanks. Mitch, Tim, April, Justin and Alex, you all have been awesome. You gave me support, help, and motivation to better myself and to work for what I want. You gave all of us the oppertunity to be successful and I think it showed this year with our results as well as friendships. Thanks for everything and the best of luck. Above all thank you to all my family and friends who have helped in so many ways. My parent's who have worked their butt off to make this work, even though they may not want to. I'm sorry for any trouble it's caused, and I'm blessed to have you around like I do. It will be a different thing, living alone, 7 hours away, but I really know that everything is meant to be. I appreciate everything you do every day of my life. Your truly a blessing. And finally thanks to Shane and Ritch for the oppertunity I've been given in Greenville. I feel priveledged to be part of a team such as this. I know your expectations are high and I hope I can help the team, and everyone be as successful as possible. I am honored to have met you all and I truly cannot wait to get down there. Two and a half weeks till camp! I normally am far from excited for road season to begin in November but already I'm anticipating next season. So again, to everyone that has helped make this happen, and make this dream a reality, I thank each and every one of you. It's going to be a change, and you all will be dearly missed. I am honored and priveledged to have each and everyone one of you in my life.

With that, stop the sincerity, Im going to go get a coffee, hop on my bike, and go home to beat to poopah out of some turkey and pumpkin pie! Holiday weekends and Rest weeks hitting at the same time are Gods blessings to cyclists. I'm out!

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