Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The pages are turning faster than I can read...

The past week has been the most roller coaster week of my life. I had a blast of a time not racing this weekend and taking part in my fun little going away party. I really wanted to get some pictures but since I didn't ill label myself lame so you don't have to.

School and Life
I have officially started my last week of classes here at Miami and as hard as it is to say It doesn't bother me to be leaving, I am going to miss a lot here. Cute jersey girls, The North Face, squirrels, brick streets, everyone I have gotten to know better than I should have even though I knew I was leaving, Brandon Shaws pimp Farrari edition pumas and matching track jacked (envy), and just the idea of being someplace I know.

Aside from that stuff I would rather not think about right now classes are coming to a close faster than I had hoped. I spent almost four hours of my life in the class of a loonie prof who has read the same chapter of some young adult novel about a retarded indian for the past three classes. Yep. We got a winner. I'm enjoying getting stuff finished, writing portfolios, studying for exams and all that fun stuff. And by enjoying that I mean doing none of that which I listed. But hey, it'll get done.

The Bike
The season is done sooner than I though but strangely enough, I am HORRIBLY happy about that. It's like I was a little kid waiting on his birthday. He knows it's coming, it comes, he rips all his presents open, goes all out, dominates at life, then poof. All done. You wake up the next morning buzzkilled a year closer to dying and your like, man, I'm glad thats over, now give me a spoon so I can eat ever bit of leftover cake there is so I dont fit into any of the new clothes everyone gave me last night! Actually that makes no sense whatsoever but it sounds good in my head so Im going to let it be what it is. Hmmm, that sounds familiar (no one will understand what this means but me and one other person so dont worry).
As for next years build up, I am already pissed. a twenty degree difference in weather between here and Carolina is really pushing my "what the eph are you doing going out" button. But instead of sun and sixty's Ill settle for this...

Thats right. three jerseys, two bottoms (one thermal), a thermal base, two pairs of gloves, two hats, and warming oil. Yeah, its very similar in feeling to that of those sumo suits you and your friends find yourselves pummeling one another with at new years eve bashes for high schools trying to keep you from drinking. It truly sucks.

As for now, I am going to jump right into all that crap and hit the bike for three hours or so in the blistering, exotic, and tropical weather that is the Midwest. 30's windy, and nooooooo fun! Yay. I want to punch myself in the eye now!

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