Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Time away

So the past week has been my time away from the bike and with the Holidays and packing, I'm extremely glad I was able to not have worry about touching the bike. I got a chance to roll north, to the windy, gusty, and retardedly ummmm wind blessed area that is northern Ohio. What an awesome place. Aside from the terrible 6 a.m wakeup, the cooooold car, the lack of breakfast, and the americano, mocha, aaaaaaand venti christmas blend that was consumed in the three hours drive that it actually takes to get there, I arrived. Again I was reminded that not only do I have NO GIRL to so kindly connect some stupid idea called a relationship to, and that can otherwise be labeled a "commitment", but that I as usual envy seth for his ability to convince his so called girlfriend, wife, or whatever she may be to him or will one day be that she should cross train on the bike with him that day. Again Seth, I hate you. Aside from me blasting Seth for his superior female relational skills we did partake in some Christmas festivities at Seattles that was greatly needed, and wonderfully comical and entertaining. Thanks everyone for a great time!

Although I did get back home for christmas, although almost dying in the car drive in 50 mph winds, It seems that the holiday season shot by faster than I thought it could. Simply put, I almost feel like I went through it and didn't realize it was actually Christmas until I woke up this morning and realized it was actually over. What I did realize is this:
1. I love my family and they obviously love me to.
2. If you ask for a flat screen TV, most likely your family will get you one. Whether or not you truly need it.
3. I can wrap a PIMP present when needed
4. Grandmaws peanut butter pie IS IN NO WAY good to eat, therefor you should and must always eat as much as your body will hold the week you actually can ignor the cost/benefit ratio of what goes in your body. That being said, EXPECT to be horribly miserable for the rest of the evening.

Although I did kind of overlook Christmas, and will accept being called a scrouge for it, to say my head is elsewhere would be an understatement considering Im moving in a few days. Ba hum bug. Not really...

Here are some pictures from the holidays:

presents were abundant

my dominant wrapping performance! See I am good at more than riding bikes.

Finally today I got back on the bike and although I felt absolutely horrible, ripped my thermal shoe cover (which i didn't really need to have on in 48 degree weather) AND having to actually start kicking my butt into gear for next season, I was lucky enough to ride in some of the best weather we have had in months. I was also bored out of my mind all day and looking for refuge from packing so I decided to take pictures of not only my depressing healthy hearty breakfast, but also my depressing boring, non-eventful base ride that could prove to be my last training ride in Ohio for a LOOOOONG time. Thank you GOD. So for those of you saying "wow, your pitiful", your right, and next time I see you, I will refrain from kicking you in the shin simply because im a good guy. For those of you who actually don't care, you may enjoy the reality that is suburban paradise training at it's best. Enjoy!

Yummmm (I got apple butter for christmas, and was overwhelmed with joy. really....)

HAPPY on the bike!

The best scenery all ride... and now you understand why the moving is taking place!

as for now, I am off to do what I have done basically EVERY night since coming home. Lay in the "man room" and watch movies. Four down, a few more to go. Two days till move day. HOLY POOOOOPAH! Wish me luck! Have a GREAT new year if I don't post again before its 2008. Look for apartment pics next post too.

1 comment:

T.Karnes said...

one word... RADARS!!!