Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Home sweeeeet home... Sort of

What a crazy time it's been since my last post. Not only have i moved to Greenville, at which time I realized I have faaaar too much crap, become an official student at Furman University registering for a highly eventful schedule of classes (french and poetry), but I have turned 21 (which proved to be HIGHLY uneventful) celebrated new years (which WAS VERY eventful) and realized that although it's great here, I am greatly looking forward to having SOMEONE in town that I actually know.

Luckily, although running non-stop with the move, I have managed to get out on the bike since I've been here, and although I in no way could consider myself "knowledgable" with the roads here I tagged along with George, Craig, Rich and Randy for a nice ride up to Ceasars Head. After realizing just how slow I really am compared to George and Craig (who decided it would be a good idea to big ring workout up the 12k climb) I struggled back, stocked up on a snickers and made it through the remaining hour and a half of feeling like complete vomit legs. Our team camp kicks off tomorrow, which I will have to miss the first day of because of some silly thing called class that thought it would be sweet to kick off the same day. WHAT's UP WITH THAT. Mr. Kearns is coming down to keep me company on the ride to chattanooga so that should be great. Oh! I almost forgot. For all of your southerners and clemson goofs here in the lovely upstate Greenville area, tomorrow, O-H-I-O GOOOOOOO BUCKS! National Championship game better be watched by all!

Considering my creativeness is not coming out tonight, I will stop writing boring babble and leave you with a few pictures of the new pad! ENJOY!

First ride living here. I was a happy guy!

The bedroom, I know kind of metro but im not gay I PROMISE. (intended for beth who will eventually read this.)

Kitchen bar and table. I've actually gotten stuff on the walls so it looks a little more homey.

Horrible picture of the sun room/office. I in no way need all this, but I love it!

NOT: Plasma screen WITH HDTV! Wahoo....

As for now I am off to do what I have done every night since being here. Sit on the couch and watch bowl games, fix a lovely dinner, and actually hang out with some of the guys from the Furman team! Until Later, toodles

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