Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I can see the end...

So as the cyclocross season slowly comes to an end for me, with Nationals less than a month away, I'm still a little unsure if I will even be going after all. Thats right. Imagine that you have to register for a race MONTHS in advance and something might come up that makes things not work. WOW, life actually happens randomly. Whatever. No need to complain.

It's Time to Have Fun
So I came back from sundays HORRIBLY HARD state championship cross race to the funniest situation I have ever had. First I must explain the situation that was the drive home. I scurried away from the race in hope of getting back quickly for cookie night. That didnt happen. After waiting fifteen stinking minutes for a stupid sandwhich at Panera and a coffee to get rid of the hand numbness usually associated with cross racing I was kindly chatting with a lovely young lady from school when I look in the mirror. What are two things you dont want to see in the rain? Lights.... one red, and one blue. No speeding involved I assure you. Regardless I am greated by what seemed to be a female police officer. If only you could have been there! In case you didnt know what happens to people who get pulled over suspected of drunk driving, this is how it goes.
Police: Can I see liscense and registration sir...
Me: yeah!
Police: Were you aware of crossing over your lane back there sir?
Me: Did I really. No... It is raining....
Police: Sir going to have to ask you to step out of the vehicle
Me: REALLY... but it's raining
Police: **Insert angry face from behind fat cheeks**
Me: Alright alright...
Police: Sir can you repeat your alphabet backwards for me
Me: haha NO.
Police: ** insert second angry face here **
Me: OK... Z, W, X, Y. Crap, wait, let me start over.
Police: No thats alright. let me have you close your eyes and touch your nose.
Me: Dangit, I suck at this too.
Police: O.k. Sire, im going to have to ask you to wait here.
Me: ok.... (STILL RAINING!)
Police: Sir can I have you blow in this...
Police: Hmmmm, can you blow again.
Police: Well sir, im sorry for the inconvenience. Just trying to make sure everyone is being safe over the holidays. You can never be to careful you know. Have a nice day.

Yep. thats how it goes when you get pulled over suspected of drinking and driving. Anyways, Saturday is the Dave Hutton shindig going away shabang p/b Seth Buckwalter and Alex Kerman. I'm pretty sure there have been nearly 200 invites so... Im scared.

As for the racing. Everything was alright. I had a horrible start and soon found out how good I am at track standing on off camber 180's... needless to say, I was less than stellar. I turned in a 7th or 10th place so I was rather happy. I felt like a dog had pooped sand in my lungs all day so that wasn't very pleasant, but still it was a rather impressive course and one of the more fun ones I have done this season.

As for everything else in life... some wrenches have been thrown in the mix, but nothing I can't handle. Only STUPIDLY attractive girls from Jersey, People backing out of taking my lease, and finding out that even though there is carpet are the stairs, you are not clear of slipping and doing rather unpleasant things to your talebone. Long story, dont ask. For now I'm still hating the cold Ohio weather, wind, and endless supply of absolutely nothing to do but study, eat, ride my bike, and cuddle. Wait. Forget the last one. Two weeks and im off to Greenville, no wait, three weeks, no wait one week, nooooo two weeks. Yeah, I'm not sure when our first team camp actually is, but either way, it's coming up soon. For now, I just have to prepare mentally for Saturday nights FIESTA and get it some super secret get fast workouts hoping I can race at nats. Heck if not, Ill look like a beast at camp! Either way, none of this really matters, and no one really cares. Im going to watch intervention. If you haven't seen it you should. It's a show that makes your life look VERY normal, regardless of what you do. REALLY. I have it TVo'd so stop by. You WILL BE AMAZED! Until next time, sorry for the long post. Sincerely Dave.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sand, tree, and 6 a.m.

My leg hurts. Well, actually, it doesn't hurt now, but it did. It hurt bad, and had a Ritchey WCS stem bolt patter nicely molded into my knee cap. Yeah. It hurt. Just a few words of advice here for racing successfully, none of which I did.
1. Eat well the night before... (ok I did this I lied)
2. DO NOT have a cute little girl from class come over and watch TV... until 2 a.m.
3. DO NOT wake up a 6 a.m. and expect to not fall asleep or to race anywhere near your potential at a cross race 3 hours away.
4. DO NOT drink too much gatorade before a race with a bathroom such as the one at the race venue... guuuuu

But in all seriousness, Gamm and I headed out to Purdue this last weekend for a two-race-in-one day. Not a good idea considering the most roady friendly course all year was set for sunday and the OVCX but what the hey! The collegiate field was decent,and a bit cold. I rolled in a spot behind Mijn kleine vriend for 5th or 6th. we managed to waste some time after the race getting the circulation flowing in the sweet pimp Miami van as we meandered campus for a CVS, some chocolate milk, and IcyHot... we failed and had to resort to simply going in the local chipotle for a momentary relief, potty break, and stretch then it was back to the race start to do a cooldown/warmup for the elite race. Lining up was most likely the WORST idea i have ever had. About 5 minutes into th elite race my legs went zit and popped and I soon found myself struggling to hold the wheels in about 11th place. I started feeling better and dieseled my way into good position somewhere in the top 5. I was riding faster technically than I ever had before so I was highly excited. Then it happened. About 45 minutes into the race I thought it would be a great Idea to take myself out of the race in normal Dave Hutton style. You see. Whoever thought this course up (Thanks Derrick) decided, "oh hey, there sand by all these really rooty trees... lets make everyone do 180's in them, it'll be sweet." and i must admit, for the first 35-45 minutes, it was fun. Turning through a deep section of sand my shoe popped loose as I was accelerating out of a turn and BOOOOOM! No knee for you. I cursed once.... actually MANY times, and proceeded to watch person after person that I had so easily blown by in the first half of the race pull right by. Dicks! I made it about a quarter of a lap and finally I couldnt put pressure to the pedal at all. Great. In the end, I walked myself out of a money spot $17 poorer, with a WCS tattoo on my kneecap, skipping lunch/dinner so I could get home sleep, think about how I wasn't going to race the following day, and kiss goodbye to the series overall top three I wanted. Way to go DAVO!

one of the coolest race photos I've seen so far!

Real Life
For those of you who know me, I don't get serious all too often, but I suppose now I am going to. As everyone has known, I am about three weeks from moving to Greenville and starting and entirely new chapter of my life. Regardless of what I may say, I am scaaaaared beyond belief. But, what I must say is that I love this feeling. Although I'm scared, I am more than prepared to get everything rolling. Above all I wanted to thank everyone who has helped me along as far as they have in life the way they have. Everyone at Team Dayton, if it weren't for you guys I never would have started racing, found what a good group of people who play cornhole and drink beer at team get togethers, or just been able to have fun. Thanks. Everyone at PV Racing. Thanks. Mitch, Tim, April, Justin and Alex, you all have been awesome. You gave me support, help, and motivation to better myself and to work for what I want. You gave all of us the oppertunity to be successful and I think it showed this year with our results as well as friendships. Thanks for everything and the best of luck. Above all thank you to all my family and friends who have helped in so many ways. My parent's who have worked their butt off to make this work, even though they may not want to. I'm sorry for any trouble it's caused, and I'm blessed to have you around like I do. It will be a different thing, living alone, 7 hours away, but I really know that everything is meant to be. I appreciate everything you do every day of my life. Your truly a blessing. And finally thanks to Shane and Ritch for the oppertunity I've been given in Greenville. I feel priveledged to be part of a team such as this. I know your expectations are high and I hope I can help the team, and everyone be as successful as possible. I am honored to have met you all and I truly cannot wait to get down there. Two and a half weeks till camp! I normally am far from excited for road season to begin in November but already I'm anticipating next season. So again, to everyone that has helped make this happen, and make this dream a reality, I thank each and every one of you. It's going to be a change, and you all will be dearly missed. I am honored and priveledged to have each and everyone one of you in my life.

With that, stop the sincerity, Im going to go get a coffee, hop on my bike, and go home to beat to poopah out of some turkey and pumpkin pie! Holiday weekends and Rest weeks hitting at the same time are Gods blessings to cyclists. I'm out!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

news news and more news...

So with some free time, and a good night of sitting around, sipping some tea, I figured what better a thing to do than write randomness in hope that someone will read it. If not, then I truly am wasting a HUGE bit of my life in a very pointless way.

Shoe Shopping

I finally got the news that my brother's mystery baby now has a sex. It's a boy. Which most likely means the doctors saw a peepee in the little cone photo. I figured in celebration I would buy the little tike some shoes so when he finally pops his little self out, he's got some sweet kicks to rock for the chicks. Gotta hook the little guy up right. I was thinking I could either get him the "team color" which is above (......) or the fararri edition. Either way the little guy is going to get a more expensive pair of shoes than I have had in YEARS. It's well worth it. But seriously brother, congrats.

Thank God for The Midwest....not
This is what greated me when I got home from a niply little ride. pepe and coffee. Ignore the mud, it's all we had! Seriously. No really. Seriously!

It's been a crazy week of training. The average temperature has been ummm warm! And with about a month until Christmas I am hoping the normal Ohio weather holds off until i've moved... but most likely it wont. Actually, I know it wont. The Ohio turned Belgian-like rain, sleet, poo is due to be back tomorrow. Lovely 40 degree highs with oh I dont know, 250% chance of rain, wich a high high high chance of purely being pissed off likely to occur. Gotta love life. Oh did I mention 20+ mph wind. If not, I just did and it doesnt matter either way.

Chocolate, Waffles, and cross thats what the Belgians do!

This is the scarriest picture I have ever seen. Nightmares will occur. But in all seriousness, there has been a lot happening in the world of cross here. For one I actually got my bike clean. Yeah, it's taken me this long, but it's working and I'm happy. After missing a few weeks I really am feeling fresh and starting to feel better on the bike. I guess thats good a month out from nationals right? Anywho, I cracked the top 5 of the OVCX series again with a decent ride in the stripper mud fight turned cross race we had last weekend. Thats exciting. With a few weeks left to ride, and only missing one more local race (due to team camp in Carolina) I think I might actually get something out of this series. Considering it's my first season for a new style of riding thats really motivation to keep up with it even when I move. Despite the conflict some saw on the local listserve, thanks for showing your ass (sorry for the language) K.A. If only we all could be as fast as you. I guess we will never know what it feels like to be super super fast, and really uptight. I appreciate the help really! Next race is going to be a double on Saturday in Purdue after a *cough* date *caugh* on Friday night. Sorry, I think I am getting a bug or something. I'm going to roll to the line with Gammers in the collegiate race and get him the win, and then head to the elite race on the same course later in the day. I guess there's a pizza party but I dont think I'm supposed to know about it. I'm a party crasher and VERY proud of it. Keep your eyes peeled for opperation slice heist! Sunday we'll be up and heading to Lexington for the OVCX race in which I really want to do well in so I can keep up the overall. It would be nice to actually seem good every once in a while. The results havent reflected fitness this year so I'm glad I will actually grab some respect!

As for now,I'm off to do some homework, er, watch happy feet or something. Who knows. I have some brownies too, or I should say the kids I was supposed to make them for tomorrow wont have them. "I have no idea what happened to them. Chocolate craving jackrabbit pulled me out of my car on the way here. It's all I could do to stay alive." Wish me luck with fridays events, if all goes to plan, well be making ginger bread houses on sunday which would be sweet after a hard day of cross in the TUCKY... oh speaking of tucky, check out Berry Wicks (aka Wicknasty's) blog and see his feelings on Kentucky and it's "uckyness". Really I'm done now!

Monday, November 12, 2007

When it rains it pours...

I should have expected some fun when I read the weather forcast:
High 52, chance of rain, 80%. It should have just said: cold, chance of rain, constant and terrible with a high chance for chaos.

Gammers and I showed true cross spirit finally taking part in everything that is cross. Rain, Cold, Wind, and mud mud mud. Considering this is my first truely muddy experience with mudd and anything other than a trusty 29er I normally ride, I figured the worst that could happen is complete and total distruction. little did I know how accurate that assumption would prove to be. After one single warm up lap, I saught refuge from the blowing devilish weather to change into dry clean stuff and put some warming oil on the legs and really actually warm up before the race. Thank GOD for thermal socks by the way. I made my way to the line with a decent field to shiver our little spendex butts off for a few seconds then, boom, off we went.

Of course i had a worse start than I wanted, but I ended up hitting the first turn (a slight right hander transitioning from pavement to grass) I soon realized what I was in for for the next 59 minutes... literally in, up to my ankles, in mudd. I found myself hitting the deck in the first 180 with about 10 others. Needless to say they didnt have kind words for me. "o.k. lets see here, there are 9 other people here b*** lets blame this one of the others here. Yeah its all my fault. Shut the heck up!" i ended up working my way back through the pile of muddy bodies and slippy slidyness to finally make my way in the first BIG chase group. Awsome right? WRONG! I am officially NEVER riding in a group of guys when we are well on our way to the second heavenly flood to eradicate mankind. I found my way quickly off the front of the group on my own for what would now prove to be the remainder of the race all the while finding SOME way to get in a should bumping contest with a nice oak tree that unkindly hopped in front of me on a muddy technical section of the course. JERK. I will say something I learned... and take my words from experience. DO NOT get in a conflict with an oak tree. Especially a punching contest. They hit back a lot harder than you expect. BELIEVE ME on this one!

Now shoulder and knee-less I made my way through what was the remaining few minutes of the race for what I think was 12th place. Suprisingly I was happy with the race being my first mudd caked in teeth and private parts style run at cross. I was able to put A HUGE gap between the guys I have normally finished with in the past so that is at least proving that either A) they need to ride in the mudd more or B) I am actually getting more fit doing the workouts I am being told to do... Hopefully the latter is valid. After grabbing a lovely cup of starbucks caramel americano, chocolate covered grahams, and rolling around in a puddle in the parking lot to remove what I could of the mud that had found it's way into every crack and cranny of my body gammers and I return to Ox-vegas to return the life away from being super hero's! Sad I know. Seth and I partook in a lovely early christmas exchange involving his Great Lakes Christmas ale, which as a friend of mine put it "is full of all wintery goodness and holiday cheer" , and my Hussmans pretzel rods! What a rockin night! I love my suckwalter! Prohst!

As for now, I have just endured a three hour monday evening class that I have just realized I am about 5 weeks behind in and most likely am going to fail miserably, that nearly cost me my sanity and at points throughout the night nearly caused me to jump off a bridge... If there were one within, i dunno, 20 miles, that was actually high enough to do damage, I would most likely have done what everone else would have... pushed acted like we were going to jump so she may send us to a therapist rather than making us endure the hell that is EDT 423! yay for Education courses that arent transferring. Good thing I had my cyclesport america magazine to keep me company. I read the entire thing and class still had 20 minutes to go. Good thing I had my buddy John who just had eye surgery and was sporting some very Terminator like glasses to class along with a very humerous vicoden influenced personality. It's not every day you get in an in depth conversation among the class (including the professor) regarding global warming, the death penalty, and committing yet avoiding being charged with felonious actions as minors! I love my life. Things just got a little more interesting in the life of Dave (outside of the bike and school) in which most of you have no clue as to what it pertains to. So if your in my circle of trust, feel free to stop by and chat, it's quite the interesting position to find myself in 4 weeks before moving 7 hours away!

Have a lovely evening. I feel like death and have a 3 hour slugfest planned with my bike tomorrow! YAYA! by the way I guess I spell awsome wrong. At least thats what this unbelievably GORGEOUS friend thats a girl of mine told me last night. About 1500 times. Oh well! You have to lose some to win some. Something like that. Whatever. Goodnight!


we came, we rode, we destroyed... there were no survivors! o.k. maybe a few, but it was AWSOME... i mean, awEsome.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


In case you didnt notice im the guy in yellow and black in the back eating face!!!

Getting ready, moving on...

So as you all know, I'm moving on. These past three weeks of craziness and distraction are coming to a wonderfully stressful conclusion.
1. Find a place to live... ring it up as done
2. Find someone to take over my section of the lease... not so much done
3. Adjust to the suicidally horrible weather in Ohio. chalk it up! 40 some degrees with 20+ mph wind, and all is well in the world. But now I suppose it justifies me drinking more coffee.
4. Have camp moved to the weekend before finals! YEP! Meaning I have the drive back from Greenville to Ohio sunday night with an exam monday morning at 8 am. How pleasantly horrible!
5. work for 10 hours on the same work and only get less than 1/3 of it completed.

But in all honesty, life is in fact good. Of course motivation is at an all time low when it comes to school work, but thats life when your moving I suppose. Nothing like leaving you 3.0+ GPA over four years of school behind to start all over again! But I guess that's how the world works. Luckily I have the loving, supportive, and understanding family that I do. It looks like Ill be heading to Kansas for nationals, racing until the 16th, driving back and packing 18th-24th, doing christmas the 24th,25th, and 26th, packing, have a goodbye party/birthday party (or so I've been told) on the 27th and moving the 28th. Celebrating my 21st at mellow mushroom of course, becuase I can and I want a choice of beer thats worth getting for my 21st. Then I start class on the 2nd and heading to team camp the 4th! Sounds like a great christmas/winter break. It's a good thing I get a break from the bike between nationals and the 1st! Oh by the way, speaking of the bike, I came across some more good pictures over the week, further distracting me from my work, of some good crashes in the sand and some others of me staking my claim in that sand without the act of falling or gracefully removing myself from the race. I can in fact ride sand WELL. I assure you, it can be done!

first is the True Sport photo thats my orange bike in front of the guy on the ground!
next is my favorite

As for now, I'm off to continue working on the same work i've been doing over the last oh... 48 hours. Wish me luck. Sorry for this being so boring but I have to take a break from this. Coffee in hand, frustration intact. Time to rip this stuff up!!! With me luck

Monday, November 5, 2007

The sand lepricon...

Saturday--COLLEGIATE CROSS #1 Lindsey Wilson
So remind me again why I do what I do. Saturday morning I found myself rolling out of bed at the lovely hour of 4:50 am. Thats right. The time most people in my tiny little fishbowl college town are finally nestling into bed, well buzzed from the nights prior drinking and debauchery.... But not I. I have places to be and people to do. Err, you know what I mean.
Anyway, I rolled out of bed and had my normal race morning breakfast of a mound of egg whites, oatmeal, and a granola to go. Just before jumping on the highway I made my green lady stop at starbucks, this time opting for a venti, and heading out on my adventure south. I hit Lexington just in time to see the sun come up for my second cup of coffee for the day. The last I would see before I reached the race. I rolled into Lindsey Wilson... the smallest and loneliest school I have ever laid eyes on to realize not only were they a time zone behind my Ohio abode, but that I could have slept an extra two hours because the race had been moved back an hour. Either way. It made me want to punch a small kitten in the face, or cry myself to sleep. It was terrible. After my suicidal depressive meltdown I chilled out, got the bike ready and got a chance to pre-ride the course a lot. Awsome cool weather made me feel like it was actually cross season and the course was alright. It was nothing special, but nothing disapointing. With two sandpits, uphill barrier, some offcambers, and another barrier as well as a concrete runup it was nothing short of enough fun for me. I managed to hit the sand second wheel and away we went. I forced the first move of the day and drove it until we hit the second barrier then WHAP... freaking barrier monkey decided he wanted to lay the smackdown. After shaking off the cobwebs, dirt, and frustration that comes with your first time back on your cross bike in two weeks, I drilled it and chased back onto the front group no problem. From there it was clear sailing until about 45 minutes in. My lower back has been bugging me, and the lack of pressure my body has had on it resting the past few weeks didn't like the beating it was taking today. Finally I cracked and soloed in for third on the day. Overall I was happy regardless of crashing on each obstacle. Thats right, sand, barriers, and runup (Dont wear toe spikes when running up concrete steps!) Nothing like driving almost 4 hours, with no phone reception to race for 55 minutes, no money, and drive 4 hours back. What can I say, I'm a rockstar! I even have my own van (courtesy of Miami University Motor Pool)

Sunday--- OVCX Gun Club Cross
After another nearly four hour drive back home I found myself up bright and early getting some homework done... since I guess school is rather important and having an exam on Monday it seemed logical. Gammers and I headed down to Loveland to throw down on the OVCX series... the only thing I ended up throwing down was a front row callup that I ruined the first time through the sandpit. Suprisingly at the start my legs felt pretty good and I got a clean clip in. The pace was fast and I found that there had already been a split in the field. Going into the pit all hell broke loose and I found myself head deep in sand. On my face. On my hands. Between my buttcheacks... it was everywhere. I managed to collect myself and realized that I had gone from nearly top 5 to dead last and the chace was on. Slowly I worked my way back up through the mountainbike course turned cross course to finish alright. The wreck coupled with the burped tube midway through the race and I had enough to complain about on the way home... In the end, I finished 12th or 13th. A result many would be happy with but one I was disgusted with. I will say one thing though. Cross here in Ohio is going to be missed. I have noticed that cross in the south isn't quite what it is in the midwest and I'm positive I will be making it back up for some races next year from Greenville thats for sure. The group of guys I have come to know, and learn from will forever be the best people I know. What a group. What a sport. What a freaking trainwreck. Here are some pics but I'm sure Ill be able to pop some more up. Word is there was some video footage of the sandpit playtime I got into on lap one. Supposedly it looked like an orgy of spandex guys mauling each other and looking like complete idiots. Although I like to say I did not cause such a problem, I will admit, it was not my fault. Had it not been for the silly little sand lepricon i hit, everything would have been o.k. If you know where he ran off to tell him to meet me at the bigtoy at recess... It's ON! Anyway, once I get some footage of the fall, or what I call a stylish crascendo of french ballet mastery or for better words uncontrolled plummet of death, I assure you, entertainment will commence. Don't worry, don't worry, I am able to autograph anything for a price! Enjoy the pictures I do have courtesy of kwellshamilton

Two Johns Podcast was there announcing. Well done!

The start... all business on this end! Nieport has the poopy face! Rad!

Gammers rippin the sand on the way to his first win this season! Hella good ride man!

Me on the chase back after the sand lepricon attack!