Thursday, August 9, 2007

Vacation pt: Deux

After a few days in Chattanooga riding and hanging out im remembering why this is one of two places I want to move some time soon. I got a chance yesterday to head out for a little bit with Kim, one of Kim's teammates and Mark for a little while. We headed up an absolutely awsome climb named Suck Creek. It was a stellar climb, beautiful and deffinately one at the top of my favorites list so far in my life training. I felt really strong and actually feel like each day, although a little sore, am getting stronger. I got a chance to split off on my own to get some riding in alone which is nice for the thinking. Not long after Suck Creek came the climb that I feel is one of the hardest and worst climbs ever; Henson's Gap. Switchback after switchback had me cursing first under my breath then downright screaming at the hill. Thank God no races go up that freaking monster. With it being 105 degree heat index Kim was nice enough to come escort me back home and considering i had been on the bike for 3:26, it was more than welcome.

Today Mark and I are taking Kim and crazy Jamie to the airport so they can head to Aspen for a mountain bike race... gay. Then it's packing and heading to Johns tomorrow afternoon and the hell of a race that is known as Dahlonega. Until later enjoy these photos I FINALLY got off my camera David Bishop had. There from Edgar Soto a little while back.

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