Monday, March 17, 2008

Healthy, Slow, and fat...

Thats what I am... which is better than being unhealthy, slow and a little skinnier than I was a little over a week ago!

Nothing like going to get some snap back in your legs with tornadic winds, unpaved roads and a VERY fast pro in big Frank Travieso starting 30 seconds behind you in the TT only having ridden my TT bike twice. It was an "experience" to say the least, and given the climb on saturdays road race, being almost 7 pounds bigger than I want to be for nationals and full on hard races this year, I did not have a great weekend.

It was a good time meeting Ty, and Matt Winstead, and hanging with Christian and big tall will, eating Nutella, and overdosing on oatmeal creations all weekend.

With that I leave you with some stuff chuckle at and pass time with. Im in a hurry to get this post up so I can go study (i.e. Watch T.V.) Toodles!

This is why we can't have nice things!

also check out the videos I MAY be on sometime with Georgia Cup Racing

and finally one CRAZY crash from Paris Nice. American Farrar was on track to set the fastest time on the day when this happened. SOmetimes you can be as fit as you want, in the end, the bike owns you! WARNING: one explicit english word, and several french explatives!
Click here


Anonymous said...

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T.Karnes said...

words cannot describe the feeling i experience upon scrolling down to see this picture... you cannot imagine how it feels to clean up a cup full of coffee that just projected from my mouth onto my desk.

if only I could roll like you