Sunday, March 30, 2008

Benny Benassi - Satisfaction (Original Video)

When your 25 pages into an argumentative essay of religios ritual versus silence.... you listen to this to keep going!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Good times and good people...

With the race season going full tilt next weekend beginning with Gainesville, I took the time to get some good training in to make up for being sick two weeks ago. Nieport and JAnderson came down for spring break training and it's been a blast. Besides Nieport riding his cross bike (with 42 front chainring and a 23 rear cassette) and Justin "forgetting" he has a powertap to look at so he can realize he is going WAY too hard, it's been a blast. It's been a week of procrastination from school, good food (lots of it), great riding, weather, and beatiful "people" aka ladies/women/ cuties...wandering around campus acting like it's summer. I love the south. Anywho, we got a sweeeeet ride in yesterday up ceasars head and then down to the valley for some crappy paved and ast times unpaved roads, and a final trip up paris. It's nice having some guys to ride with after training alone for quite a while! Especially some old buds from back home. It's always nice to catch up and chat in 70+ degree sunny weather in the mountains... ok. Im making myself envious!
Dancing or something...

Atop ceasars head!

Out on the town for Justins Bday!(note my hincapie jeans and BELT BUCKLE pokin out!

Dinner at Chicora for Justin's birthday!

FRAKIN flat! First all year!

Lunch on the ride!

not sure....

Other big news is I am an uncle to Nicholas Allen Hutton who was born yesterday afternoon. He's got hair which is sweet. Time to start getting him some good product so he can pimp the baby fo-mullet like me.

As for now.... one more long ride in before the weather gets back to less than perfect! Bummer. Toodles!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Random babling...

So Im sitting, coffee in hand (or for the most part the table next to me) far too early in the morning at my coaches humble home here in Chattanooga. It's been a good past couple days although I haven't gotten in the time that I had wanted on the bike since I have been here. Nothing much over three and a half hours, but considering this area makes Greenville look like Indiana once did in terms of constancy of elevation gain, it's all good. Nothing like two mountain climbs each day for two days in a row. Yesterdays was impressive considering I was doing some hard workouts up the mountain. It was also interesting to look at the route we did considering it coverd last years TOG time trial course. I realize now how much further I have to go to get to where I want to be some day! Kim also has one of the mountainbike athlete here doing some training. Nothing like having another guy here to heckle mark about why he's gay, that his movies are gay, that his phone ring is gay, and just how homosexual he may be at heart. Good times good times. Anywho, its been a good time and tonight we dine for easter with a little get together at the house so I am looking forward to meeting some local riders, grabbing some good grub, and enjoying a break from normal hectic life. Should be a hoot.

Aside from that I have had the fun opportunity to sift through cycling's happenings via,, and I am trying to comprehend the feeling Cancellara just had winning la Primavera. Solo! As much as I have come to respect and attempt to immulate the belgian mindset of hardmen, hardraces, and just being a badass (pardon) it is far to hard to dismiss that Cancellara is a gifted individual.

For as long as I can remember when was the last time you saw a man solo away from an entire field for a win of this magnitude.... Paris-Robaix---i believe he did the same there. Le Tour de France---yep, rode away from the entire field in the yellow jersey. hmmm, I am seeing a similarity here. Anyway, the classics are just around the corner and with the talent the way it's going its hard to say how things will turn out. Pipo Pozzato with his cornrows in flying, Cancellara is,, Gilbert is romping like the Belgian he is, as is the likes of Boonen in the early season. All I hope for is that big G. Hincapie can get the win he deserves and has worked so hard for.


As for now, I'm off to whip my rear into shape and get out for a ride with Talbott and AJ for 4 hours or so. Enjoy.

p.s. I love clumpies Ice cream, thin mints, and home made pizza durring hard training. Wowsers!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Healthy, Slow, and fat...

Thats what I am... which is better than being unhealthy, slow and a little skinnier than I was a little over a week ago!

Nothing like going to get some snap back in your legs with tornadic winds, unpaved roads and a VERY fast pro in big Frank Travieso starting 30 seconds behind you in the TT only having ridden my TT bike twice. It was an "experience" to say the least, and given the climb on saturdays road race, being almost 7 pounds bigger than I want to be for nationals and full on hard races this year, I did not have a great weekend.

It was a good time meeting Ty, and Matt Winstead, and hanging with Christian and big tall will, eating Nutella, and overdosing on oatmeal creations all weekend.

With that I leave you with some stuff chuckle at and pass time with. Im in a hurry to get this post up so I can go study (i.e. Watch T.V.) Toodles!

This is why we can't have nice things!

also check out the videos I MAY be on sometime with Georgia Cup Racing

and finally one CRAZY crash from Paris Nice. American Farrar was on track to set the fastest time on the day when this happened. SOmetimes you can be as fit as you want, in the end, the bike owns you! WARNING: one explicit english word, and several french explatives!
Click here

Friday, March 7, 2008

Double post... I am sorry!


Also, I reccomend visiting Dave Z's Blog HERE just read the first 4 or so, it will provide you with way more than enough entertainment!

One more thing. Perry Roubaix is coming up next weekend in Georgia. It will look a little like this


If you got the hint, thats how I feel. You know something is wrong when in the same week you are told you have the following:
1. Strep
2. The Flu
3. The common cold

only to find out you have....A CHEST INFECTION! Thanks Ohio for freezing my lungs to death and infecting them with salt. I hope you die. Or get kicked in the teeth. You choose. As for now, my countertop truely looks like a pharmacy courtesy of Furman University Infirmiry(spelling...?). Speaking of schools. I applied to NGU today for next year

Random. Yay me... there are winds of change approaching. Either that or my fever is back and I need to go kill some more meds. Either way! CHEERS!

Perry-Robaix next week whether I'm healthy or not. No sickness is going to keep me from 100 miles of unpaved fun and jolly good times with the Hick Nousley!

-Keep it fresh...and HEALTHY!-

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Nothing like returning home... ok, maybe thats true, but not so true in the positive sense. I headed up to the frozen north of Ohio with hardman and teammate Nick Housley for a romp on my old stomping grounds. Although the visit with family was nice, the hectic bedlem of "how are you's", "We missed you's", and "It's not too cold to drink's" seemed to greatly outweigh the prior niceness that was supposedly my spring break... in February. Either way, Nick and I got out for around-a-bouts four hours in on friday after a spiffy little photo shoot, and interview with the class middletown journal, aka the local paper where I grew up. After that we ventured out to Oxvegas for a night out with some old fond friends of mine. I feel the night could be accurately labeled a debauch, comedy, or realization as to exactly why I left that blackhole of a good time.

Finally nick and I headed to Columbus for what proved to be the most deadly crit of all times. I think it may have been slightly more safe only by adding a snack pit jump of death, and a bed of flaming coals which you had to walk barefoot across to finish. I ended the day sprinting in the grass for 16th place only to have some d-bag from you know where claim my prize money before I got there.... I looooove Ohio. 12 hours, four (give or take if your counting how many shots of espresso were in each given drink) coffee, 10+ outbreaks of slaphappy laughter for no appearent reason, 20+ gawkings at random HIGHLY attractive ladies which nick and I passed and one stop at a classy dinner north of atlanta, I finally made it home. Three hours later, lets hear a slow clap for Dave getting up to go to class. Living the dream, what can I say.

As for now, I am cagefighting with the nasty bug I picked up sometime along the way this weekend. Not just a bug that makes you feel crappy but a bug that makes you feel like there is a ping pong game being played on the back of your eyeballs, and one which keeps you freezing cold regardless of the fact that you truly are wearing four layers of WARM clothes with no successfuly production of warmth. Oh yes. Im in a lovely mood. As for now, I am off to sleep, as I have all day, and hopefully I will be able to get my life pieced back together. Hopefully....
Heading out for the day

Killer mountains in Ohio.... errr, HUGE brewery. same thing.

Master photo skills by Nick

My new formed opion via facial expression of sub 40 degree training weather in Ohio...