Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The chicken, life, and learning how to fall

Les attaques de poulet!
As many people, even those who dont give a flying whi cares about cycling know that there is some big bike race going on right now in France. Apparently it's a big tour, and apparently it's kind of a big deal. For me this has been one of the most entertaining cycling spectacles I've ever seen (unless you count the naked bike races @mountain bike nationals). Not only is the race so wide open that a freight trail could billow through it, but the leader of the tour is a 130 pound 5'9" dane who's nickname is the chicken... Need I say more.

Learning to get up
Sunday's racing landed at one of the more interesting, tough, yet fun courses in the local vacinitiy. Tour d'Burg is a comprised of no less than 7 turns, with a poopy brick section, 90 degress turn with a sewer grate in it and 3 brick walkways to work your way through when turning. Fun I know. After a rather agressive start, I could tell Justin was feeling good, and decided to get him a result he so desperately needed. So after getting away twice in the first 15-20 minutes (with roadhouse riders on wheel again) Justin was able to go with a counter and make the first real group. It was up to me to shut the field down seeing that no other team really "wanted" to. So, after 20 minutes of fun chasing, attacking, and tempoing on the front, Kirk of course went. HARD. Thinking twice I hesitated and missed probobly my best chance at a good result for the rest of the year. Oh well. Coming into on of the backside turns on the course, "ahhhh". Yeah, on the deck I went. Hip busted, elbow bleeding everywhere, I made my way back, bike unscathed to the pit for a restart. Luckily there were only about 7 laps to go so I sat on, waited for the sprint, and gave it what I could given my condition. In the end just got 10th or something, and I, have no idea where I finished. Who cares. It's Ohio.

Moving on
Finally, it looks like I have a new home coming soon. Keep me in your thoughts (prayers if thats your thing), as I am making a big step in chance, and hoping it pays off well in the end.

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