Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Here is a fun little self promotion from the furman Student site FUnet. Cycling team riding strong by Melissa Murphy February 19, 2008 “In the last five years, Greenville has become the Mecca for cycling in the United States,” says Furman sophomore cyclist Spencer Beamer. With the beautiful scenery, favorable weather and light traffic, Furman is the ideal spot for cyclists. Just last year, a group of students approached Paul Thomas, an education professor and avid cyclist, to be the advisor for a new club on campus: The Furman Cycling Team. According to Beamer, “it was a little rough starting”, but the club has already doubled its’ member involvement and gained national recognition. Despite its’ 16-month existence, the cycling team is gaining momentum as they prepare for their upcoming season and second appearance at nationals this spring in Fort Collins, Colorado. In their first year, the team captured the Southern Conference Division II Title, which automatically qualified them for a spot at Nationals. While competing in Lawrence, Kansas at Nationals last year, the Furman cycling team placed 6th in the team trial, only one minute off the first-place finish. Furman female cyclist, Ashley Anderson placed fourth in the road race and Spencer Beamer captured the third place title for Divison II in the criterium, a shorter road race on a circuit. Their success, however, has not come without much hard work. Daily, the team trains under the guidance of racing veteran Glenn Thrift, fitness center equipment coordinator, and health and exercise science professor Scott Murr. On occasion, the team is privileged to ride with George Hincapie, one of the world’s most recognized professional riders who resides in Greenville. Hincapie is the only cyclist who rode with Lance Armstrong in each of his seven Tour de France victories. During the winter, the team builds endurance, logging 25-29 hours per week. Once the season begins, the workouts switch to high intensity interval training for speed. Close to peak condition, the men's cycling team has a very realistic chance of capturing the national championships this spring. In addition to the men's team, the women’s individual title is within reach of Ashley Anderson. The depth of the team is building upon “world class cyclists” such as Beamer and Anderson. Because Beamer rides for a professional team, his goals for the Furman team are to establish the club and make a name for the Furman cyclists. For Beamer, the club provides wonderful motivation with increasing number of training partners. The club was not set up strictly for those who race. The Furman cycling club encourages all who enjoy riding to come and be a part of the group. Not all riders joined with the same experience level, but the rapidly improving newcomers, Kit Hunter, Craig McKinney, Sean Kettring, Chris Butler and Todd McClure, are going to play key roles in determining the national title. Butler has only been riding for a few years but is one of the strongest riders on Furman’s team this year. He and fellow teammate David Hutton, who transferred from Miami to race at Furman, also ride for the Pla d’Adet/Hincapie Barkley U23 Development Team based out of Greenville. The professional teams allow the Furman cyclers to be able to compete outside of the regular season. The start of the Furman season begins in three weeks at Georgia Teach. To track the Furman cycling team this spring, you can check out their blog at: http://furmancycling.blogspot.com/

As for now, Im off to rock out some pimp Tiesto...and some sweet freakin Ferry Corsten in some impressive 20-40 mph wind. yahoo.... can't you smell the excitement in my voice?


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