Friday, February 1, 2008

rear in gear...

Total insanity. Thus has been the label now applied to my life. A second week of living hell doesn't explain what life has been for the past five days. Rest weeks are normally welcomed with open arms when it comes to riding. That being said, weeks such as this are when the full need to hop atop the saddle of a beautifully engineered work of agressiveness that is my bike in order to simply annihilate myself in the most masochistic way possible in the hope that it will maybe for a few minutes take my mind away from the paper I am going to write when i get back. Horrah for somiotic transitions in the poetry of Keats! Horrah for looking for a spoon to gouge my eyes out with. Sadly, I perservere. I know... depressing eh?

To say I'm looking forward to two weeks from now is the greatest understatement any human could make. No more drowning myself in coffee, two day old pasta, and weekends of looking at books all day. I pitty those who I will line up next to any given race when I have another week like this. I may not finish the race, but I can assure you that if there are people to put the wood to, I will be the one riding myself into oblivion simply to get the stress out. I'm sorry. It will happen.

As for now, i'm sitting quietly in the corner of einsteins bagels, listening to frou frou and the pixies, flipping through velo news and the abundant variety of cycling media the so sprawls the internet when I come across this I will in fact find this girl some day, and sweep her off her feet. Or, I will just gawk for a moment, realize that the girl two tables over has noticed my love spackled face, and is beginning to find it rather scary, so I contain my jawdropping to a later time.

Alright, enough of my useless banter, im off for a piece of coffee cake, and some more internet entertainment browsing...

OH YEAH! Some useless self promotion!
Bike Radar Story
Greenville News Article

Until later. Maybe next time it will be shorter, less blah, and much more worthwhile for you to read!


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