Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Yellow Springs. Yeah...Yellow Springs

It's not too often you find yourself in a town like Yellow Springs. It takes a city with character and personality (very stoner character) to have a storefront called Dingleberries. But of course, it's towns like these that are happy to have us lycra clad fools running around on grass and jumping over bit wood boards! I'm living the dream, what can I say.

Again Ohio shed it's face of stupidity giving us 90 degree temperatures and singletrack. Dirt singletrack. Lovely dusty singletrack. I got the front row callup I was hoping for, but of course I blew it, like I always do. The first few laps were a little hectic but finally mid way throught he second lap things were starting to slow and split. I found myself in a good group of 6 or seven guys including Gamm and Rish, Keirin, Dave Emmig, and a few others. Again the cycling god's chuckled away as Rish and Swain of A&F decided it would be a splendid idea to bumper tag each other into a conveniently placed stalk from hell...Thank you breaks and bye bye good finish. I managed to squirt through but there was no luck, my day was finished. Knowing the two guys ahead of me in the standings were up the road I decided to play it safe and be a series whore and sit in with the guy behind me in the series standings, Dave.

Now at this point it got entertaining. As we road around all we kept hearing was "Go Dave!" and "Yeah Dave!" Finally I yelled at an unknown spectator saying "specify which Dave your rooting for you idiot!" Everyone got a kick out of it. In the end, Dave and I dragged it out for a wimpy 12th place finish, with me taking him by half a bike. Again I finished just out of the money, but for a stupidly open course with wallnuts of death strewn stupidly in all the technical turns, I was happy for the day to be over. After a coke and a cliff bar it was home sweet home.

Here are some pictures:
Dave and Dave
Dave and Dave again!
It was a bit hot!

Next weekend I'm off to the last road event of the year. Downtown Greenville Cycling Classic. I'll have an official announcement to make on Monday! Wish me luck racing with George Hincapie and Craig Lewis!

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