Saturday, September 29, 2007

Michigan UCI Double Cross, Louisville Cross and My Rant

Last weekend didn't go so well! I headed to Michigan for the Tailwind Double Cross with Mr. Page and some other pro's looking to get their UCI on. The course was pretty sweet, nothing too hard, yet nothing too easy. Your typical cross course. I got a good start and was sitting in the top half of the field until boom! On the deck thinking "what the *$&*". I untangled myself from a pile of guys to see the field GONE. Nowhere to be seen. I jumped back on and drilled it catching back on coming into the barriers. Things went alright through there until I passed the pit. Just past the pit my shifting completely went nuts and I was struggling to peddal without busting the chain or ruining a cassette. Needless to say I didn't do well. After that it was a long 5 hour drive home and after a ticket in a construction zone for "impeading traffic", stinky butt Gammers tooting over the river and through the woods, and being impressed with BG's ladies sitting outside of starbucks was a fun night in Oxford. Overall NOT the way to experience your first big UCI race. AT ALL! Now for the part I've been waiting to get out. THE RANT

This past weekend as any pedal pushing, shaved leg timmy knows marked the 2007 UCI World Championships in Stuttgart Germany. I was absolutely elated when I realized that was covering every race this year! Nothing like way too many hours spend watching people let a break go up the road for a few laps of relaxing racing then ripping each others legs off for the last two! What I will say is this. Paolo "the cricket" is an amazing person to watch. Seeing him instigate the decisive move then talk to the guys about not working hard enought then work his butt off only to end up taking them all to the line. If I were a rider in the break and saw how he was riding I would have been like "Piss off you little ball of Italian way-too-ephin strongness!" Either that or I would have done what Frank Schleck essentially did and drove myself into the ground knowing I stood the same chance as a volkswagon falling from the sky flaming only to land next to me catch my pants on fire and singe my leg hairs away. Yeah, I dont have leg hairs... my point precisely! Either way Cadel again showed that he truly is a pansy who isn't willing to work for a freaking thing in his life, only to STILL get outsprinted by everyone. And to think, I used to think Sastre didnt work for anything! In the end, the strong little cricket scampered his way to the line for a repeat and an amazing ride with an exciting finish. Not too shabby!

A good salute for a man being "targeted" by some UCI snob noses!

Louisville Cross
Finally Mr. Neiport and I headed to Louisville for the 4th race of the Ohio Valley series. A fun course + no crashes finds me working my way into the top 4 of the series standings behind three WAY stronger guys than me. But hey, for my first season, not too shabby. Especially since I have absolutely NO goals for this season and will most likely be heading down to fulfill my roady obligations in Greenville at the Michelin Downtown Greenville cycling classic the same week as the UCI double weekend in Middletown and Fairfield. Nothing like leaving for a 12 hour collective trip south when the races are in your home town and less than an hour collect travel time all weekend! We'll see how it plays out! Ill post pictures when they come out and hopefully next week I can get a picture of my FRONT ROW callup ill hopefully recieve for the overally standings:

1 Brandon Jessop -- BioWheels Racing
2 Mitch Graham -- BioWheels Racing
3 Phil Noble -- BioWheels Racing
4 David Hutton -- OneCallNow/Miami University
5 David Emig -- Fulcrum Coaching

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