Thursday, August 21, 2008

A seasons end is a new ones bloom....

So I DID IT! What did I do you might ask? Well I can tell you what I didn't do. I surely did not win Espoir Nationals. If you thought that possible I scoff at you. In fact only 17 guys finished the race if that tells you anything on the experience out west. I also undoubtedly did NOT win Espoir or Elite Crit Champs. As a matter of fact I got caught behind, but nimbly (and stylishly I might add) complete annihilation of body, mind, and expensive carbon parts by attempting to bunny hop some large man in blue. Sadly I didn't make it completely over him and proceeded to run over him. I am pretty sure my train of thought went as follows "Dave Scared! Dave smash smurf dude! Dave needs to clean chamois! Dave chases up to teammate Talbot only to be outsprinted to the line by the tiny guy!" To make it better I arrived at the airport only to realize my flight wasn't scheduled until the following day. Sweet. Hey Mr. Delta Airlines, break me some more. I appreciate it. I hope you die... Yeah. California is dead to me now. I truly HOPE that place falls off the continent and goes to chill with Hawaii.

Crit champs was crit champs. My legs were ABSOLUTELY FRIED, but I managed to ride comfortably near the front attempting to work for the Hincapie- Coke guys as I was the sole rider of my team there. Yay for racing alone. So much for motivation....

In the end some stupidity happened and my season went up in utter oblivion 10 laps early. Some guy from somewhere won the race.... I wouldnt know who, I was already eating a burger and having a ginormous chocolate muffin, and putting on as much weight as possible before cross starts in two weeks time. Yeah. It was wonderful! Oh and for shear enjoyment, I had one of these on the way home!

Thankfully my parents came with me to watch me DNF my last race of the season. Even better was the fact that it was the only race they saw me race all season. Awesome....
If pictures for races one DNF's are acceptable, here are some my dad took with his new snazzy camera!

This one is sweet because Steve Tilford (aka the crosser who found the fountain of youth/most likely to take over the world) and the other guy are gritting their teeth like they are towing a large bus or fire truck by they seatpost!

See... I was at the front!

Field was pretty big. MAbout double the pro race....?

So I am sure you are asking me what next. Well what I can tell you is that for now I am getting fat and waiting...... thats right..... waiting for the most anticipated season since I started riding my bike!

Need I say more?

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