Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Time away

So the past week has been my time away from the bike and with the Holidays and packing, I'm extremely glad I was able to not have worry about touching the bike. I got a chance to roll north, to the windy, gusty, and retardedly ummmm wind blessed area that is northern Ohio. What an awesome place. Aside from the terrible 6 a.m wakeup, the cooooold car, the lack of breakfast, and the americano, mocha, aaaaaaand venti christmas blend that was consumed in the three hours drive that it actually takes to get there, I arrived. Again I was reminded that not only do I have NO GIRL to so kindly connect some stupid idea called a relationship to, and that can otherwise be labeled a "commitment", but that I as usual envy seth for his ability to convince his so called girlfriend, wife, or whatever she may be to him or will one day be that she should cross train on the bike with him that day. Again Seth, I hate you. Aside from me blasting Seth for his superior female relational skills we did partake in some Christmas festivities at Seattles that was greatly needed, and wonderfully comical and entertaining. Thanks everyone for a great time!

Although I did get back home for christmas, although almost dying in the car drive in 50 mph winds, It seems that the holiday season shot by faster than I thought it could. Simply put, I almost feel like I went through it and didn't realize it was actually Christmas until I woke up this morning and realized it was actually over. What I did realize is this:
1. I love my family and they obviously love me to.
2. If you ask for a flat screen TV, most likely your family will get you one. Whether or not you truly need it.
3. I can wrap a PIMP present when needed
4. Grandmaws peanut butter pie IS IN NO WAY good to eat, therefor you should and must always eat as much as your body will hold the week you actually can ignor the cost/benefit ratio of what goes in your body. That being said, EXPECT to be horribly miserable for the rest of the evening.

Although I did kind of overlook Christmas, and will accept being called a scrouge for it, to say my head is elsewhere would be an understatement considering Im moving in a few days. Ba hum bug. Not really...

Here are some pictures from the holidays:

presents were abundant

my dominant wrapping performance! See I am good at more than riding bikes.

Finally today I got back on the bike and although I felt absolutely horrible, ripped my thermal shoe cover (which i didn't really need to have on in 48 degree weather) AND having to actually start kicking my butt into gear for next season, I was lucky enough to ride in some of the best weather we have had in months. I was also bored out of my mind all day and looking for refuge from packing so I decided to take pictures of not only my depressing healthy hearty breakfast, but also my depressing boring, non-eventful base ride that could prove to be my last training ride in Ohio for a LOOOOONG time. Thank you GOD. So for those of you saying "wow, your pitiful", your right, and next time I see you, I will refrain from kicking you in the shin simply because im a good guy. For those of you who actually don't care, you may enjoy the reality that is suburban paradise training at it's best. Enjoy!

Yummmm (I got apple butter for christmas, and was overwhelmed with joy. really....)

HAPPY on the bike!

The best scenery all ride... and now you understand why the moving is taking place!

as for now, I am off to do what I have done basically EVERY night since coming home. Lay in the "man room" and watch movies. Four down, a few more to go. Two days till move day. HOLY POOOOOPAH! Wish me luck! Have a GREAT new year if I don't post again before its 2008. Look for apartment pics next post too.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Just Some Pictures...

Since my last post was longer than... well... something that's really long, I figured I would keep this post brief until I have more to talk about. Don't really have much so yeah.

Here are team pics from camp last weekend. This I BELIEVE is all if not most of the U23 guys

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Team Camp Recap

So to say that this weekend was absolutely great would be like saying pizza is "alright" or that the victorias secret model you see on the goofy commercials of their's is "cute". UNDERSTATEMENT! Anyway, Camp went off great. The team is a great group and I am more excited to get this season kicked off than I thought I would be. Not to mention that I return home to the remains of a snow storm which is still blessing us with it's always enjoyable cold front. Yay for 30 degree riding.

Back to team camp. Friday night we headed to Rich's house for team dinner and movie night. The were kind enough to have some photos of the kit's well be riding in and needless to say, they rock! It turns out we have a new sponsorship from Barkley Advertising out of Kansas City. Needless to say this is a GREAT addition for the team, and just gives us all more reason to make a huge effort this year to make things work and to be successful. George and Craige joined us for some great lazagna (thanks Rich) and some killer salad and bread.

Saturday was an early wake up for a very VERY busy day. We finally got the entire team together considering we had some slackers coming in a little late in the evening. We headed out for a ride, met up with a few others at Rich's and headed over to Georges to meet up with George and Craig and Vito. In the end, I think we rolled out with almost 20 people, so it was a great chance to chat, and get to know each other. Although it was raining our intended 3.5-4 hour ride turned into a 5+ hour ride due to George wanting to ride up Saluda. God bless that bakery there considering all I brought along on the ride was a GU and water. Whew for sticky buns. After dropping a few others off on the way back to town we got a chance to open our legs up coming down the mountain. That coupled with George's "You guys feel like doing some paceling work?" it was a great time, and I think everyone is still in shock from not only getting to meet George and Craig and some others, but to also have the oppertunity to ride and talk with them and realize that they are in fact REAL people that are where many of us hope to be one day... one day...

Now onto the interesting part of camp. Not to downplay the ride, meeting everyone and getting to talk to everyone, but saturday night was a splendid time. After some AMAZING pizza (I wish I could remember the name of the restaurant) we headed over to the Hincapie store to set up for our little meet and greet. After PHOTO's were taken people started showing up. Handi catered in some rocking good indian cuisine and simply put, it got dominated although by the end of the night my stomach didnt enjoy it as much as it did when I started eating it. I have to say, the feeling at the store was something to remember. Although I knew people were excited for the team and everything happening around us, this was the first time I had the chance to step back and look around. To say people are excited is an understatement. THE CITY, as well as some HIGHLY important people want to be a part of what is happening with us, and without a doubt, this team is moving in a incredible direction; success. To everyone thanks! Especially, George, Rich, Shane, Steve, and Christina O'Neil Maddox from Headstrong. I dont know whether any of you have realised yet, but WE and by WE i mean me, and EVERYONE involved with the team are more thankful than we can describe. It's an honor to be part of what is happening here. Thanks for making something great! And thanks for letting us be a part of it.

Sunday was a rough wake up after a 10:15 movie of I Am Legend, which although crazy, was an alright movie. Although Shane continues to argue with me. We headed out on a CRAZY windy ride and to say it was tough is an understatement. Although we were told it was only going to be a 2-2.5 hour ride, I expected the worst, and packed some extra num nums for the belly that was oh so deprived the day before. GOOD THING. Turns out we put in a little over 3 and had two flats. I guess my bike heard the word that in a month it is getting replaced with a new bigger better buzz lightyear to it's woody the cowboy, and decided "hey, you know that big ring thing you have... nadah, SAY GOOOODBYE!!!" becuase 10 minutes into the ride the chain wouldnt stay on the big ring. AT ALL, which is not fun when ritch gets a peppy pill in his legs and starts hittin it pretty good in 20+ mph wind.after everyone headed out Shane and I headed to dinner at Brixx which ROCKS MY SOCKS off, and after some good conversation, and story telling, we headed back to finish up in style, lounging on the couch and watching Graham Obrey's movie The Flying Scottsman. He's a girl. Geeez.

Overall I couldnt be happier (except to be back down there instead of waiting 10 days) and the team and support is world class. The guys are great and Im looking forward to rocking out a crazy tough and strong season. Thanks again to everyone. You've put me in a position I have never been in, one that is expecting success, and is providing us with more than enough of everything to be successful. THANKS

Here are some pics from the weekend and a Full Roster for the team:

Ben Gabardi- Jackson MS
Tyler Carnes- Chesapeake VA
AJ Mayer- Cohutta GA
Ty Manger- Griffen TN
Nick Housley- Atlanta GA
David Hutton- Greenville SC
Evan Wynn- Ashville NC
David Talbot- Chattanooga TN
Shane Weaver- Greenville SC
Rich Hincapie- Greenville SC
Steve Carpenter- Chattanooga TN

stopped for one of the two flats in the cold... i mean fourty degree's

Rich on the blackberry. This were rather normal on the weekend.

AJ rocking the team issua Radars... yeah. Not to shabby eh?

Attempted self photos... didn't work to well!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Greenville or Bust....


From this...

To this...

For those of you that dont know how weather is in the south, THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS, suprise!!! 68 degrees and suuuuunny! Incredible. I'm back in Greenville again and to say that it's finally setting in that I'm really going to be living here in less than a month is kind of blowing me away, it's happening. I think I just tinkled myself. Unbelievable!!

Team camp starts tonight and I'm absolutely stoked, but I figured I would rub in the fact that for those of you from Ohio heading west to Kansas and Cross nationals or what should be better named the Joack Frost's toilet bowl, Enjoy not feeling a single limb of your body while I bask in what is the nicest weather I have seen since... oh, LAST TIME I came to Greenville.

As for now, Weaver and I are out for a little ride in the sunny sunny lovely sunny weather before the rest of the team shows up and the craziness begins! Should be an EXTREMELY good time... one last visual comparison to leave you with!

Hell Frozen Over!

OH Beautiful SUUUUUUN!

Ill leave you to decide. CIAO!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Charlie bit my finger - again !

For those of you wondering what the poor, overworked mind of a bike racer, student, and part time stunt devil (which is what im claiming to be after several encounters with the uphill slog to town with a sheet of ice on the sidewalk... dont ask) does to keep from slipping further into the oblivion that is finals week, while slipping further and further up the success poll of procrastination. One needs look no further. Enjoy. It is what I've been doing since I got back from my four hour ride....37 degrees, rain, and poptarts. Who the hell wouldn't laugh at this after putting themselves through CRAP!



Wednesday, December 5, 2007

So if when it rains it pours... what's it do when it snows?

So this is what I woke up to this morning.

Although horribly beautiful, it is safe to say it is less than condusive to the betterment of physical fitness that I was prepared to enthrawl myself in this week. If thats too complicated a sentance... simply put, I am NOT riding outside becuase it's too dang snowie! Yay for being completely done with Ohio in a week. Really, A week from today Ill be heading south and wondering whether I packed too much warm clothes and whether I should bring a pair of shorts or not. O.k. Im overexaggerating the situation there. But compared to here, it will be exotically tropical. I wonder if they serve those yummy drinks with unbrella's there? I hope so. I'll tip well if they do!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The pages are turning faster than I can read...

The past week has been the most roller coaster week of my life. I had a blast of a time not racing this weekend and taking part in my fun little going away party. I really wanted to get some pictures but since I didn't ill label myself lame so you don't have to.

School and Life
I have officially started my last week of classes here at Miami and as hard as it is to say It doesn't bother me to be leaving, I am going to miss a lot here. Cute jersey girls, The North Face, squirrels, brick streets, everyone I have gotten to know better than I should have even though I knew I was leaving, Brandon Shaws pimp Farrari edition pumas and matching track jacked (envy), and just the idea of being someplace I know.

Aside from that stuff I would rather not think about right now classes are coming to a close faster than I had hoped. I spent almost four hours of my life in the class of a loonie prof who has read the same chapter of some young adult novel about a retarded indian for the past three classes. Yep. We got a winner. I'm enjoying getting stuff finished, writing portfolios, studying for exams and all that fun stuff. And by enjoying that I mean doing none of that which I listed. But hey, it'll get done.

The Bike
The season is done sooner than I though but strangely enough, I am HORRIBLY happy about that. It's like I was a little kid waiting on his birthday. He knows it's coming, it comes, he rips all his presents open, goes all out, dominates at life, then poof. All done. You wake up the next morning buzzkilled a year closer to dying and your like, man, I'm glad thats over, now give me a spoon so I can eat ever bit of leftover cake there is so I dont fit into any of the new clothes everyone gave me last night! Actually that makes no sense whatsoever but it sounds good in my head so Im going to let it be what it is. Hmmm, that sounds familiar (no one will understand what this means but me and one other person so dont worry).
As for next years build up, I am already pissed. a twenty degree difference in weather between here and Carolina is really pushing my "what the eph are you doing going out" button. But instead of sun and sixty's Ill settle for this...

Thats right. three jerseys, two bottoms (one thermal), a thermal base, two pairs of gloves, two hats, and warming oil. Yeah, its very similar in feeling to that of those sumo suits you and your friends find yourselves pummeling one another with at new years eve bashes for high schools trying to keep you from drinking. It truly sucks.

As for now, I am going to jump right into all that crap and hit the bike for three hours or so in the blistering, exotic, and tropical weather that is the Midwest. 30's windy, and nooooooo fun! Yay. I want to punch myself in the eye now!